The Cross you Bear

Sometimes in life we all go through struggle. Each of our struggles are different from the person next to us. Some struggle with addiction. Others struggle in their relationships. A few struggle with work. If we are able to box up that struggle and ship it away on a FedEx truck, we would. But that’s just not how life works.

The struggle is there to help us learn. The struggle is there to help us appreciate what is in front of us. Sometimes we feel like the struggle never ends. We don’t know if we will ever figure out life. But if we can learn from our struggles, and embrace it, then how much greater will we be if we figure out a way to overcome it.

Isn’t there some joy in those who overcome addictions? Aren’t those who figure out their relationships better for it when they decide to stick it out instead of taking the easy way out and giving up on one another? Isn’t it more glorifying to solve conflicts then to leave something damaged and broken?

Life is hard, it’s suppose to be. I never met a person who didn’t have their own struggles. I never met a successful person who didn’t struggle and fail before they found that success. If we can understand that this struggle, whatever it may be is there to help us grow, and not to make things worse, then we can move forward in figuring out how we can embrace it. 

We all have a cross to bear. There is a story about a boy who was carrying his own cross. He then told God, I cannot bear this cross any longer, please allow me to find another cross. So God said to him, fine, lay that cross right there in that room. Now go through that next door and see if you can find another cross. So the boy looked all through this room, he saw crosses so large you couldn’t see the tops of them, then finally he saw a smaller cross and chose that one. God said to him, that’s the same cross you just put down. 

Sometimes when we compare what we are going through , and see what others have to bear, whatever we are going through doesn’t seem so overwhelming. It doesn’t seem so difficult compared to what others around us are going through. If we take one second , to see what’s around us, maybe we will appreciate what’s in front of us. No matter how difficult the struggle seems, or how large, we still can bear that cross. Never give up, embrace the cross in front of you. 

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