
I think the hardest thing about life is figuring out what exactly you want to do with it. Sometimes we want to do everything, sometimes we want to do nothing, and other times we just want to do only one thing. I think many people fit in the category of wanting to do a lot of things. Sometimes people are limited by circumstances or the cards they are dealt in life. Some people have every opportunity to succeed and others do not have those same opportunities. But both, the person with many opportunities and the one that doesn’t have much still want to figure out what their purpose is in life.

Why is it that one group of people who have every opportunity to succeed at times, find ways to squander away the opportunity because of lack of encouragement or discipline or just taking for granted what is given to them and realize it far too late in life what they have wasted away? Why is it the person who doesn’t have that same opportunity sometimes realizes they need to do more, whatever it is to change their circumstances to create those opportunities for themselves?

Will the person who squandered away what they had find redemption, and get their second chance? Will the person who is limited by his circumstances, fighting for their own opportunity find a way to make themselves successful? Will both these groups of people find success and what their calling in life is? Who succeeds and who fails?

I think both groups find a way to be successful. It all depends on that persons perspective. What if the person who had everything, had to lose everything to understand that they must appreciate every moment in life and take nothing for granted. What if the person who had nothing, had to go through such circumstances to only appreciate more what they are seeking for when they overcome their struggles and find their own success?

These two distinct groups of people are always on this journey, and fighting these battles everyday. But their destinations are similar. I think thats great for everyone who might find themselves in either category. It’s just, when do they realize what they are fighting for and what their calling is and what they are going to do when the opportunity comes knocking at their door? Where do you find yourself in this journey?