It was all a dream

Lets say you are a person chasing after something. Along the way you are suppose to take certain steps to accomplish whatever you are chasing. Lets also say you get through the first few steps easily. Then the next step requires you to be a more disciplined person who has to make the right choices to be efficient. If you are someone that lacks total discipline this step will be the hardest step. If you mess up this step, getting back to chasing your something will become harder, the reality will  become distorted. You will lose focus. This is where i find myself today.

Totally unfocused, not knowing where I am suppose to be heading and reflecting on how I screwed up this part of the journey. The most challenging part is figuring out ways to get back on that horse after this royal screw up. It’s easier to just give up and start something new but when everything in you tells you that you shouldn’t quit or give up on this particular journey, how does one find whatever it is thats suppose to be in them to carry them through this step.

I like to think of this situation as an athlete who works hard during the season and gets to the championship round. They give everything they have, but yet end up short. How do they find it in themselves to go into the offseason, train even harder and play even greater the following season to return to that championship round and then to finally execute what the plan was and to win that championship this time around.

You have to respect that will and that discipline to figure your way out through life’s failures, and how to eliminate those doubts of “am I good enough?”, “I was so close but yet so far away from the goal”, “I worked so hard last season and you are asking me to do it again and this time seal the deal?”. All these are thoughts that could run through an athletes mind during this journey. I think if we take the athlete out and put ourselves in the same situation, we could be asking ourselves these same questions.

How does one figure their way out after giving it all they have working towards their goal, and they run into an obstacle, and how to overcome that obstacle of doubt, and fear of failure again. This is the battle some of us are facing every day. These questions, these fears, these doubts, all haunt our minds and heart every day. It’s in us to overcome but the “how” is really looking at what did you do wrong? did you do anything wrong in the first place? DID you give it your all? Are you capable of giving it more this time around? Can you change anything about your approach?

Failures make us stronger, it doesn’t weaken us. WE shouldn’t allow it to deter us from chasing after our dreams. We should pick up the broken pieces of our failure, look at them and see if we can learn something from it, and vow we shouldn’t repeat it. The ” how” is in us, we just have to be patient, and ask the right questions this time around and eliminate the constant aura of doubt. This doubt which looms around our minds and hearts and just know and trust that we are doing everything we can to accomplish whatever that something is we are chasing after. Replace the doubt with working harder, replace the taste of failure by finding small ways to be successful. In the end these small ways will lead us to the bigger picture. It’s IN US, it always was.